Part 73: Update LXX - Featuring: Dates
Update LXX - Featuring: Dates
Music: A Place to Come Home
Full disclosure: This update will be 100% date scenes. If you aren't interested, feel free to just skip this one.

She said it wasn't fair, and that she wanted to come... but I finally escaped from her. I didn't want her to be here while I was spending time with you, Opal...
Rika can come too.

Hmph... Me and Rika are two different people! I'll try really hard to hold a conversation. Please, just focus on me for today.
I'm glad we can be alone!

Really...!? I'm... so happy...!

Break time is one hour. If I go over that, Rika will come after me with a fishing net. We'll have to talk a lot within the next hour!

It's been a long time since I was able to forget work and enjoy myself... Can we do this again?


It's a promise. I'll be waiting!

It's OK, though. Break time means I get to spend time with you, Opal...!

Mmmm... You'll do it... for me? Even this... request...? *snore* I think for that... I might be able to leave work early... *giggle*
You dozed off.

Oh no... My one precious hour with Opal... I'm never going to fall asleep ever again! Let's continue... our chat... *snooze* *snooze*
Wanna rest your head in my lap?

Wh-What...!? In your... lap...? I don't want to use my one hour with you for a nap... But... the temptation... is too great... *snooze* *snooze*

I-It's already time! I have to go back to work...


I'm so happy... Let's have a real date...! Every date is supposed to start with a walk. Let's go...!

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)
This would be... on the R&D floor.

I only walk from my room to the counter every day, so my muscles have become very weak... I have something I want to tell you... I used to hate my job here. I wanted to be free from the chains of duty and time... But... working with Unit 13 was a lot of fun. You accepted every request without a fuss, and seeing you make people smile made me proud of my work. It made me feel... happy to be alive... Opal... Can you promise me something? You have to beat the True Dragons, no matter who, or what, stands in your way...
Of course!

Thank you... I feel like I can trust those words. The future depends on you, Opal.
I'll protect you, Chika!

I'll carry those feelings with me until the end... I believe in you, Opal.

Don't worry. I'm feeling really energetic now. The rest of my work should go quickly... Thank you.
Chiru+Saku is the upgrade for twin blade Samurai.
Music: A Place to Come Home

Huh...? It's not about work? M-My body feels all funny... If I'm not working... I can't breathe...

This place is so weird! I wonder if they have any energy drinks! I need to pull an allnighter!
You should just try to relax.

No no no way! I told you, I can't breathe if I'm not working!
It's just the two of us here...

Oh yeah! We're alone in here, so we should have some kinda secret strategy meeting, right?

*shakes head*

Oh, that's not what you meant...

Well, I'll just start by talking about some sales

*shakes head*

Wh-What!? Okeydokey, how about a quick self-development

*shakes head*

Th-This is bad! If I'm not working, I'm not gonna be able to... *pant* *pant*

Helping Unit 13 with mission reports... That's my kinda work! Oh no, it's already super late! My break's been over for twenty seconds! I need to go back to my own work! See you next time!
Entertain me!

I get it! I blew you away with my entertainment skills last time, right?
I just want to talk to you.

Talk...? Ohhhh, I get it! You were just so amazed by my entertainment skills last time, right?

No problemo! Entertaining guests is one of the many tasks of an employee!

Huh? You didn't think it was interesting? Then, how about a hundred of my best jokes...?

I entertained our company's guests, though! I'm a great member of society!

Though, actually... maybe you could help me with my work, if you're free. I need to go down to the Reference Room. Wanna come with me? Okeydokey! Let's go!
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

OK! That's all I need! We're in the Reference Room, so let's find a place to rest N-Not rest! I meant study! Do you wanna study? Let's study!


OK! Come with me!

Not just today, but all the time since you started working here. You always try so hard to help the company... You're definitely the best employee at Nodens! I really love seeing how dedicated you are, Opal. So the fact that there isn't any more work for me to do with Unit 13 is a little bit... Umm, it's really disappointing. But I'll be cheering you on! You're definitely gonna complete your mission! You'll... finish this once and for all, right?
Finish what?

S-Saving the world! These dragons are holding us back from doing actual work! It's like hell for me!
I'll do my best for you, Rika!

Mkay... I believe you.

Me and Chika were waiting along time for you guys to show up. It might be a bit weird, but... Thank you for coming here!
Excuse me?

Chika will just nap forever if I don't watch over her. She's only done three straight all-nighters! She has no love for this company! See you, Opal!
Single sword Samurai, naturally.
Music: A Place to Come Home

I still don't have enough money saved up to take you out on a date, Opal...

Huh? Opal...?
It's a perfect place for you, Mio.

...! D-D-Does that mean... I'm still just a little kid...?

*shakes head*

This place is good for me as I am now.
This place is more relaxing!

You think so, Opal...? Honestly, being in that Skylounge place just made me nervous... I can relax a lot more here. *giggle*

Let's go in!

Hey, do you think you could come to the Infirmary with me? I keep some snacks by my bed for special occasions.

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)
I love them!

I'm so glad! I love cats, too! Especially Ichiro... He was always there for me when I was lonely... I was hoping maybe I could do for you what did for me... *giggle*
Well, they're a bit scary...

R-Really!? You forced yourself to come here just so you could spend time with me... *giggle* That makes me happy... Thanks, Opal. But next time, tell me if you're scared. I'll protect you...!
Skipping this.
And there's that second Mind Booster.
Music: A Place to Come Home

Even though you are busy, you remembered our promise... Thank you, Opal. I have planned the specifications of this date. All you need do is follow my lead. W-Well, first we must take a walk outside together... Let us go.

Let us sit here.

Oh, look! That cloud appears to be a pterosaur... ... Opal... Are you enjoying yourself?
I'm having a lot of fun!

I am so glad... I was worried that you would not actually enjoy a conversation like this one.
Do you know how to talk to people?

I am boring you, aren't I? It seems I should have spent more time studying humor...

Oh, look at the time. Next on the list is the arcade. Let us go to 7th Encount.

However, 7th Encount is nothing but a training device for me...
Let's get something to drink.

Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Rehydration is important.
Let's watch other people play.

There is nothing I can learn from observing the fighting strategies of these peons... But if that is what you wish to do, I will not object.


That means, unlike us, they have no defined reason to play. However... that is what is most important, correct? Sharing time with others that otherwise would appear to be useless.
I think you're catching on!

Hmph... Are you making fun of me?
Why do you say that?

That thought came to me naturally from my time with you.

At the same time, it feels as though I have grown closer to you emotionally.


Perhaps all humans are yearning for this emotion... There is one more step before our date can conclude. Somewhere we can be alone would be most ideal. Let us use your room.
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

I have already prepared plans for several other dates, so please join me again soon.

An upgrade for Agents.
Music: A Place to Come Home
I really liked it!

Is that so? That's good to hear.
It was surprisingly tasty.

I suppose I should take that as a compliment.
But why a bento?

...I used to make them every day. Once I no longer had anyone to cook for, I stopped making them... But recently, things have changed.
You said it's been twelve years...

I'm surprised you remember that. Yes... I used to have someone that I would make them for. Once she was gone, I stopped completely. However... things have changed recently.

I've said too much. It's time I return to my mission. You should rest a little longer.

You won't be able to grow as a person if you spend all your time talking to an old man like me.
I just wanted to talk.

Rather than spend time with me, I'd like... I'd like you to stay with her.
I've been wondering...

About her...?

But, Opal...

What do you think of her...? What do you think of Mio?
I'm not picking the second one.

I'm glad to hear that. ...Enough talk. I must return to my mission. We should have a lengthy, private discussion next time.
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Sit here and wait. I'm not going to eat you. Just watch.

One Yoritomo Special Fried Rice, ready to eat. It's hot, so be careful not to burn yourself.
It tasted like old man.

Is that... a good thing...? I don't quite understand, but... as long as you liked it...
I want more!

So you like it that much...? In that case...

Here, take this.

Using this recipe, you'll be able to recreate that dish any time. You should make it someday... for your... special someone. Anyways, what do you want for dessert? I'll answer any request you have.

Feel free to call for me whenever you're feeling hungry.
The strongest critical accessory, it gives ATK/MAT +15 and Crit +15%.
Music: A Place to Come Home

In that case, let us depart. Come this way.

Even adults come here to play and enjoy themselves... It seems that this place is an exemplar of the differences between Atlantis and Tokyo.
Isn't this overstimulating.

Well, yes... The sound and the lights make me feel as though I am in the thick of a storm... And I feel somewhat... dizzy... B-But it is not too much for me! Please, I wish to learn how to play.
Do you want to play?

Yes, that is why we have come here! I wish to play my first ever game. Please, teach me.


N-No, do not come any closer! Begone! Begone, foul beast! *shriek*

Thank you for assisting me in my game center experience...

My apologies... I am very dizzy... Do you think you could escort me back to my room?
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

The people of Atlantis are all finding ways to live, but I am still struggling...
Upgrade for Fortuners.

I wanna get a breath of fresh air. Let's go out to the terrace.

The ocean's not the only good thing about this place, though. These weird buildings and the huge sky above us are pretty awesome, too.

I'll protect Tokyo, for your sake... I'm definitely gonna keep this city safe!
Thank you.

It's enough seeing you smile.
You're so cool!

D-Don't act so surprised! I'm cool all the time!

I'm not gonna be able to outperform you against the True Dragons. But at the very least, lemme protect what's precious to you.
Upgrade for Rune Knights.
Music: A Place to Come Home

That must mean you made some kind of monumental breakthrough, right?
Are you disappointed?

Well, yes. But I did learn something, so I'll let it slide... for now~.
Do I need more reason than that?

No, I don't mind coming here to talk. I discovered something very interesting along the way~.

That must mean I'm psychologically excited by being alone with you~.

It's possible that my higher heart rate comes from a fear of heights.

We will have to gather more data another time! For now, I need to head back to my lab. Don't be afraid to contact me if you want to meet again. I'll be waiting~!

I'm trying to gather data on psychological reactions to generic greetings. The world of neuroscience is fascinating~!
You are now painfully aware of Sailas' eyes being purple in his artwork, but green in his model.

Or that I've suddenly developed terrible acrophobia. We'll need to meet somewhere else in order to test which of those is true.

Somewhere safe and secure, but where we can still be alone~.

Hm... My heart rate does seem to be increasing... Come, follow me. We need to go somewhere else to test my theory~. Let's get going~!
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

That means that if it increases when we're here alone... You must be the reason. Come on, don't just stand there~! Move closer.

This is a clear indication of psychological excitement!
Wow this is blatantly low effort. "Hey I think I like you." "Hey I think I like you." "Oh shit, I actually like you."
Is this love?

That possibility is very high~! Other options would be hatred, hostility, or admiration... But based on my analysis, this situation doesn't fit any of those emotions.
So, what should we do now?

Hmm, what indeed... Outside of academic endeavors, I have never felt this level of psychological excitement~.

This has proven my theory. You and I are attracted to each other~. Hm? Are my calculations incorrect?
No, you're spot on...

Of course. Everything I've said is backed by scientific evidence~!
You're really blunt...

You can't expect some kind of literary romance from me. I'm a scientist, after all~!

I want you to listen to me, as someone who clearly cares about you... Don't die. Warriors are always so quick to rush towards their deaths. But unlike researchers who can pass on their work when they die, if you die, that's it. Opal... You need to survive. You need to create the future. Do you understand?
I do.

I'll be counting on you. We already have Jil... We don't need another reckless warrior.
You need to survive, too.

Yes, of course. My brain is always seeking new knowledge, after all~!

But that's enough talk. We still have another hour until the other researchers come back~. How about we experiment a little bit more?


Then let's begin~.

I'll keep the data from today closely guarded. It'll be our secret research~. Well, see you later~!
Mage upgrade.
Music: A Place to Come Home

I have simply yet to acclimate to this building's layout...


I am glad to hear that. You have a tendency towards recklessness.
Thanks for worrying about me!

There is no need to thank me. It is only natural to worry about a friend. My concern is for my own benefit, as well. When I think about bad things happening to you... it feels as though my chest tightens up.
You're one to talk, Jil.

Hmph... That is very blunt of you. I am a mere fool. Recklessness is my only option.

Regardless, health is the most important thing. Your wellness affects everyone else's morale. I shall handle whatever daily tasks burden you. You must focus on hunting dragons.


I should be heading back. I must go drag Sailas out of bed. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

I was glad to receive your invitation. I was hoping to see you again.

It was surprising to hear that children wanted to elope, but such firmness of emotion is splendid.
You have feelings for anyone, Jil?

O-Of course not!
Honestly, I'm envious of them.

I see... However, I do not agree!

I have spurned romance in favor of the tender embrace of the warrior's code!

A partner to be your one and only is something more valuable than the rarest of treasures.

I am a knight of the Federated States of Mylos! The only love I need is my love for the queen! Searching for happiness will only distract me from my duty. Please pretend I never said anything. Well then, I shall be taking my leave!

However, it feels wrong for me to be taking up your precious time...
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Why did you bring me here?
I want some alone time with you.

A-Are you sure you want... me...?

Let's have a heart-to-heart.

I-I already trust you! Th-There is nothing more for us to speak of. Well, that is not quite true... I have kept a wall between us this entire time.

On top of that, the worlds which we are from are two vastly different places. I was afraid to commit myself to you... I feared my heart would be more focused on you than on Her Majesty.
I'm happy to hear that.

...! I-Is that so...? Then... you must feel the same...
You're amazing, Jil.

...! I do not wish to get my hopes up, but... it appears that you feel as I do...

I promised to discard my hope of personal happiness and live only in pursuit of justice. However... after I met you, I felt true joy, despite the perilous situation we found ourselves in. I am thankful to have had the honor of fighting alongside a noble warrior like you. I wonder if Her Majesty will scold me for thinking these thoughts...

Just for this moment, I am not a knight. I am merely Brijilt. Opal... You are my true hero.

Goodbye for now, and... thank you.
Banisher upgrade.
Just one more left!
Music: A Place to Come Home
GEORGE! gets to hang out with Kirino, for reasons which will become clear down the line.

L-Let's just sit down instead...
Don't you get hungry?

I get my energy from nutritional shots I-I mean, I get my energy from the cosmos themselves! Sometimes I wish I could just eat until I was stuffed, but there's no choice with this body...
How much of you is machine?

My brain, optical nerves, and spinal cord are still organic. However, the remaining 90% of my body is completely artificial...

You don't need to feel bad for me. I'll have you know, I quite like the body I have now.

Oh... That reminds me! It's almost time for my nutriti I mean, it's almost time for my cosmic energy! We shall meet again! Farewell!

Thank you for making use of my Blaster Code! Let's take a seat!
Tell me about your life as Kirino.

Even though pain surrounded me, there was much to be happy about. I was surrounded by friends, and I was able to persevere in my role as Murakumo Chief.
Tell me about the old Unit 13.

The Unit 13 of my era... They were strong in both body and mind. Even though they have been somewhat lost to the deep recesses of history... They will live on in my heart as the heroes that saved our world.

But within those tragedies, a bond of hope was born. That bond became the foundation for the modern day.

The disaster befalling our world, presently will surely allow us to push forward to a greater future. And... I believe that you will be the one to make that possible.


Let us meet again! Farewell!

Do you have some time to join me for a while? Then come! Follow Raven!
Oh shit, we're finally learning what's behind the locked door!
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Isn't it nice? It's a bit small, but I have plenty of equipment, and access to the Nodens database, as well.
You're amazing, Raven!

Hahaha! I'm not always just a bumbling old hero!
Why did you make this room...?

Isn't it obvious? I was hoping to settle my score.

So, I am truly grateful for your assistance in defeating W-003. Thank you, GEORGE!. Using a specimen from W003, I was able to create a medicine that rapidly increases self-healing. I'd like you to accept it.
And that's the God Hand weapon, but... why is it called the Mio Gauntlet? Mio mentioned getting a coupon from him yesterday too, so they clearly know each other. Is Mio just Super Blast's biggest fan? Is Kirino keeping an eye on her as the last living NAV? The weapon's JP name is NAV 3.0, too.
Where will you go?
I want you to stay here forever!

There is no need to worry. Heroes never die. *sigh* Who am I kidding...? There is no use in playing it cool... To tell you the truth, it is almost the end for me...

Ahh... My cosmic power is... at its limits...
For whatever reason, what Raven says here is completely unsubbed.
Now, before you ask if they really just killed off a major character from the 2020s in an optional cutscene:
He still shows up whenever you invite him on a date, so Kirino is just being a drama queen.
And now!
We are done with the dates!
We can, at long last, go to Chapter 6.

Don't come crying to your Nagamommy later saying there were things you needed to do!
The game even wants you to be sure you're ready to move on.
Just let me sleep...

Eeheehee... If that's really what you want. Sweet dreams~.
Next time: Oh right, this is a 7th Dragon game.